Manhattan Mandarin Education Services
纽约的各大公立和私立名校,以其优质的师资,和无以数计的优秀毕业生多年来受到世界各国的瞩目。MM是纽约最大的汉语私教中心,并为Trinity, St. Bernard’s, Chapin, Buckley, Collegiate, Allen-Stevenson, PS 6, PS 180, The TAG School, Avenues 等其他名校提供在校汉语教学和课后辅导。我们的团队管理层和师资均毕业于美国各大名校,或其子女在名校就读。丰富的经验和第一手资料为来自中国的新移民家庭提供学校的教学方针,课程安排,升学规划等提供更深刻的了解, 为家长选择最适合学生的性格特点,学习方式,发展方向,和其家庭教育观念相符的学校提供可行性建议。
我们在中国和美国同时提供强大的教育后盾支持。2012年,坐标北京的Ivy Gate 藤门国际教育集团为在中国的家庭提供了详细透明的咨询和有针对性的培训。2018年,纽约的世界顶级的私教培训和顾问公司Noodle Pros成为MM的强大支持,帮助学生和家庭尽快适应美国的文化和语言环境,和中美教育细节和科目上的差距,为成功之路

Noodle Pros is a cohort of the world's most experienced test preparation and academic tutors. We have written test materials, trained teachers, and designed courses, giving us deep and enduring knowledge of the structure and psychometrics of all major standardized tests. Unlike tutors from many other companies, we are career professionals who eat, sleep, and dream test prep. We bring the most up-to-date technological innovations, tried-and-true recommendations, and leading industry insights into all of our 1:1 partnerships with students.

Ivy Gate is a Beijing based education company focused on the application process to American schools. Our professional tutors know exactly what it takes for Chinese students to apply to the best US universities, boarding schools, and day schools. From English language lessons to driving you to your interviews stateside, we have you covered.
Ivy Gate also offers premium cultivation trips for Chinese students looking to study in the US. We've run drone building camps, theater programs, and sports programs all at elite schools.