Chapter 2: 作战篇 (Zuòzhàn Piān) - Waging War
孙子曰:凡用兵之法,全国为上,破国次之。Sūn Zǐ yuē: Fán yòng bīng zhī fǎ, quán guó wéi shàng, pò guó cì zhī.Sun Tzu said:
The method of waging war prioritizes preserving the country; destroying it is second-best.
是故百战百胜,非善之善者也;不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也。Shì gù bǎi zhàn bǎi shèng, fēi shàn zhī shàn zhě yě; bù zhàn ér qū rén zhī bīng, shàn zhī shàn zhě yě.
Thus, winning a hundred battles is not the height of skill; subduing the enemy without fighting is the height of skill.
故上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其次伐兵,其下攻城。Gù shàng bīng fá móu, qí cì fá jiāo, qí cì fá bīng, qí xià gōng chéng.
Therefore, the best strategy is to attack plans; next is to attack alliances; next is to attack armies; the worst is to attack cities.
攻城之法为不得已,修橹、轒輼、具器械三月而后成,距堙又三月而后已。Gōng chéng zhī fǎ wéi bù dé yǐ, xiū lǔ, fén wēn, jù qìxiè sān yuè ér hòu chéng, jù yīn yòu sān yuè ér hòu yǐ.
Siege warfare is a last resort. Preparing shields, chariots, and tools takes three months, and building ramparts and advancing takes another three months.
将不胜其忿而蚁附之,杀士卒三分之一,而城不拔者,此攻之灾也。Jiàng bù shèng qí fèn ér yǐ fù zhī, shā shìzú sān fēn zhī yī, ér chéng bù bá zhě, cǐ gōng zhī zāi yě.
If generals cannot restrain their anger and lead soldiers to swarm like ants, one-third of the soldiers will die, and the city will remain unconquered. Such is the calamity of siege warfare.
故善用兵者,屈人之兵而非战也,拔人之城而非攻也,毁人之国而非久也。Gù shàn yòng bīng zhě, qū rén zhī bīng ér fēi zhàn yě, bá rén zhī chéng ér fēi gōng yě, huǐ rén zhī guó ér fēi jiǔ yě.
Thus, a skilled commander subdues enemy troops without fighting, captures their cities without assault, and destroys their state without prolonged warfare.
必以全争于天下,故兵不顿而利可全,此谋攻之法也。Bì yǐ quán zhēng yú tiānxià, gù bīng bù dùn ér lì kě quán, cǐ móu gōng zhī fǎ yě.
He achieves complete success in the world without exhausting his troops. This is the method of strategic attack.
Vocabulary List for Chapter 2
Chinese | Pinyin | English Meaning |
作战 | zuòzhàn | waging war, combat |
法 | fǎ | method, strategy |
全国 | quán guó | entire country |
破国 | pò guó | destroying a country |
战 | zhàn | battle |
胜 | shèng | victory |
善 | shàn | skill, excellence |
屈 | qū | subdue, bend |
伐 | fá | attack |
谋 | móu | plans, strategies |
交 | jiāo | alliances, relations |
城 | chéng | city |
攻 | gōng | siege, attack |
修 | xiū | repair, prepare |
器械 | qìxiè | tools, equipment |
敌 | dí | enemy |
士卒 | shìzú | soldiers |
拔 | bá | capture, uproot |
毁 | huǐ | destroy |
全 | quán | complete, intact |
争 | zhēng | contend, fight |
顿 | dùn | exhaust, wear down |
利 | lì | advantage, benefit |
谋攻 | móu gōng | strategic attack |