Chapter 11: 九地篇 (Jiǔ Dì Piān) - The Nine Grounds
孙子曰:用兵之法,有散地,有轻地,有争地,有交地,有衢地,有重地,有围地,有死地。Sūn Zǐ yuē: Yòng bīng zhī fǎ, yǒu sàn dì, yǒu qīng dì, yǒu zhēng dì, yǒu jiāo dì, yǒu qú dì, yǒu zhòng dì, yǒu wéi dì, yǒu sǐ dì.
Sun Tzu said: In the art of war, there are dispersive ground, light ground, contentious ground, intersecting ground, focal ground, heavy ground, encircled ground, and death ground.
散地则无战,轻地则无止,争地则无攻,交地则无绝。Sàn dì zé wú zhàn, qīng dì zé wú zhǐ, zhēng dì zé wú gōng, jiāo dì zé wú jué.
On dispersive ground, do not fight. On light ground, do not halt. On contentious ground, do not attack. On intersecting ground, maintain alliances.
衢地则合交,重地则掠,围地则谋,死地则战。Qú dì zé hé jiāo, zhòng dì zé lüè, wéi dì zé móu, sǐ dì zé zhàn.
On focal ground, join forces with allies. On heavy ground, plunder resources. On encircled ground, strategize. On death ground, fight to survive.
故兵之情者,或为围,或为决,或为分,或为合。Gù bīng zhī qíng zhě, huò wéi wéi, huò wéi jué, huò wéi fēn, huò wéi hé.
The behavior of soldiers can involve encirclement, resolution, division, or unity.
是故知战之地,知战之日,则可千里而会战。Shì gù zhī zhàn zhī dì, zhī zhàn zhī rì, zé kě qiān lǐ ér huì zhàn.
Thus, knowing the battlefield and the timing of battle allows for coordinated action even from a thousand miles away.
Vocabulary List for Chapter 11
Chinese | Pinyin | English Meaning |
九地 | jiǔ dì | the nine grounds |
散地 | sàn dì | dispersive ground |
轻地 | qīng dì | light ground |
争地 | zhēng dì | contentious ground |
交地 | jiāo dì | intersecting ground |
衢地 | qú dì | focal ground |
重地 | zhòng dì | heavy ground |
围地 | wéi dì | encircled ground |
死地 | sǐ dì | death ground |
无战 | wú zhàn | do not fight |
无止 | wú zhǐ | do not halt |
无攻 | wú gōng | do not attack |
无绝 | wú jué | do not sever ties |
掠 | lüè | plunder |
谋 | móu | strategize |
决 | jué | resolve |
分 | fēn | division |
合 | hé | unity, join forces |
战之地 | zhàn zhī dì | battlefield |
战之日 | zhàn zhī rì | timing of battle |
会战 | huì zhàn | coordinated battle |