Chapter 7: 军争篇 (Jūn Zhēng Piān) - Armed Struggle
孙子曰:凡用兵之法,将受命于君,合军聚众。Sūn Zǐ yuē: Fán yòng bīng zhī fǎ, jiàng shòu mìng yú jūn, hé jūn jù zhòng.
Sun Tzu said: In the principles of waging war, the general receives orders from the ruler, assembles the army, and gathers the masses.
无约而请火者,曰躁军。Wú yuē ér qǐng huǒ zhě, yuē zào jūn.
An army that moves without proper coordination is called a reckless army.
凡战者,以正合,以奇胜。Fán zhàn zhě, yǐ zhèng hé, yǐ qí shèng.
All warfare is based on the combination of the orthodox and the unorthodox.
故善出奇者,无穷如天地,不竭如江河。Gù shàn chū qí zhě, wú qióng rú tiān dì, bù jié rú jiāng hé.
Those who excel in creating surprise tactics are as boundless as the heavens and earth and as inexhaustible as rivers and streams.
激水之疾,至于漂石者,势也。Jī shuǐ zhī jí, zhì yú piāo shí zhě, shì yě.
The swift current of water can move boulders because of its momentum.
鸷鸟之疾,至于毁折者,节也。Zhì niǎo zhī jí, zhì yú huǐ zhé zhě, jié yě.
The ferocity of a falcon striking its prey can break its bones due to precise timing.
是故善战者,其势险,其节短。Shì gù shàn zhàn zhě, qí shì xiǎn, qí jié duǎn.
Thus, those skilled in battle make their momentum dangerous and their timing short.
Vocabulary List for Chapter 7
Chinese | Pinyin | English Meaning |
军争 | jūn zhēng | armed struggle, military conflict |
用兵 | yòng bīng | waging war, using troops |
将 | jiàng | general |
受命 | shòu mìng | receive orders |
合军 | hé jūn | assemble the army |
聚众 | jù zhòng | gather the masses |
无约 | wú yuē | without coordination |
燥军 | zào jūn | reckless army |
正 | zhèng | orthodox |
奇 | qí | unorthodox, surprise |
胜 | shèng | victory |
无穷 | wú qióng | boundless |
不竭 | bù jié | inexhaustible |
激水 | jī shuǐ | swift current |
势 | shì | momentum |
鸷鸟 | zhì niǎo | fierce bird (e.g., falcon) |
节 | jié | timing, rhythm |
险 | xiǎn | dangerous |
短 | duǎn | short |