Chapter 6: 虚实篇 (Xū Shí Piān) - Weakness and Strength
孙子曰:凡先处战地而待敌者佚,后处战地而趋战者劳。Sūn Zǐ yuē: Fán xiān chǔ zhàn dì ér dài dí zhě yì, hòu chǔ zhàn dì ér qū zhàn zhě láo.
Sun Tzu said: Those who arrive first at the battlefield and await the enemy are at ease; those who arrive later and rush into battle are fatigued.
故善战者,致人而不致于人。Gù shàn zhàn zhě, zhì rén ér bù zhì yú rén.
Thus, those skilled in war compel others to approach them and do not allow themselves to be compelled.
能使敌自至者,利之也;能使敌不得至者,害之也。Néng shǐ dí zì zhì zhě, lì zhī yě; néng shǐ dí bù dé zhì zhě, hài zhī yě.
They cause the enemy to approach by offering advantage and prevent the enemy from arriving by creating harm.
故敌佚能劳之,饱能饥之,安能动之。Gù dí yì néng láo zhī, bǎo néng jī zhī, ān néng dòng zhī.
Therefore, make the enemy tired when they are at ease, hungry when they are well-fed, and move them when they are at rest.
出其所必趋,趋其所不意。Chū qí suǒ bì qū, qū qí suǒ bù yì.
Appear where the enemy must rush and go where they least expect.
行千里而不劳者,行于无人之地也。Xíng qiān lǐ ér bù láo zhě, xíng yú wú rén zhī dì yě.
Traveling a thousand miles without fatigue is possible by traveling where there is no enemy.
攻其所不守,出其所不意。Gōng qí suǒ bù shǒu, chū qí suǒ bù yì.
Attack where the enemy is undefended and appear where they do not expect.
Vocabulary List for Chapter 6
Chinese | Pinyin | English Meaning |
虚实 | xū shí | weakness and strength |
先处 | xiān chǔ | arrive first |
战地 | zhàn dì | battlefield |
待敌 | dài dí | await the enemy |
佚 | yì | ease, leisure |
劳 | láo | fatigue, exertion |
致人 | zhì rén | compel others |
自至 | zì zhì | arrive by themselves |
利 | lì | advantage |
害 | hài | harm |
饱 | bǎo | well-fed |
饥 | jī | hungry |
动 | dòng | move |
必趋 | bì qū | must rush |
所不意 | suǒ bù yì | unexpected |
攻 | gōng | attack |
守 | shǒu | defend |